Publications and Articles
Gottlieb, Andrew. Smoking
Cessation, Clinician Application. in
Translating Psychological Research Into Practice.
Grossman, L. & Walfish, S. New York, NY:
Springer Publishing Company, 2014.
in Silicon Valley: For Men Only, e-book,
ACS Publishing.
Physician Should Know About Panic Disorder,
e-book, ACS
Gottlieb, Andrew, and Sachs, David P.L. Smoking Cessation. In Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription. Blair, S.N., et. al. (eds.). Philadelphia, PA: Lea and Febiger, 1993.
Gottlieb, Andrew, Killen, Joel, Marlatt, G.A. and Taylor, C.B. Psychological and pharmacological influences in cigarette smoking withdrawal: effects of nicotine gum and expectancies on smoking withdrawal symptoms and relapse. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 55(4), 1987, 606-608.
Brownell,K.D., Glynn, T.J., Glasgow, R., Lando, H. Rand, C., Gottlieb, Andrew, and Pinney, J.M. Interventions to Prevent Relapse. Health Psychology, 5(suppl.0), 1986, 53-68.
Gottlieb, Andrew, Salovay, Peter, and D'Andrea, Vincent. Listening Skills. In Peer Counseling: Skills and Perspectives. D'Andrea, Vincent, and Salovay, Peter, Eds. Science and Behavior Books, Palo Alto, California, 1983.
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